Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Baby bottle tooth decay (also known as baby bottle tooth) is a condition that occurs when sweet liquids are allowed to have frequent contact with your baby’s teeth. A common cause of this ailment is putting your baby to bed with a bottle of formula, milk, juice, soda, or sugar water. This can also be caused by giving your child several sweet drinks throughout the day.

 According to the ADA, “As soon as a baby’s first teeth appear, usually by age six months or so, the child is susceptible to decay.”1 Treatment of baby bottle tooth decay varies greatly, from fluoride application to full coverage of teeth with stainless steel or veneered crowns, depending on the progression of the decay. It is best to contact your pediatric dentist as soon as possible to evaluate your child’s risk.

How Can You Help to Prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

Baby bottle tooth decay is a very serious condition; however, there are several ways in which you can prevent the disease from taking place. Prevention methods for babies range from teaching your child to drink from a cup at an early age, cleaning his/her mouth after feedings, brushing at the first sign of teeth, and using a clean pacifier as opposed to a bottle to calm your baby between feedings.

Prevention of baby bottle tooth decay does not stop with toddlers. You should brush your child’s teeth twice a day and make sure that your child receives enough fluoride. If your local municipal water does not contain fluoride, contact your dentist to ask how your child can get it.


  1. Your site has some really helpful information. We invite you to read our articles about oral health topics and comment on our blog at http://www.dentalinsurance.org/blog/index.php/2012/10/prevent-baby-bottle-tooth-decay/.

  2. I totally agree, cleaning your baby's teeth helps prevent tooth decay. Start as soon as the first tooth comes through.

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